Chinese Lesson Log 447

“誠品生活日本橋"作為台日文化交流的發信地, 於開幕期間特別策劃一檔"台灣人認識日本插畫家的第一步"展覽, 介紹引領最新日本文化潮流的插畫家, 獲得各界好評。本站首次與台灣展出, 分別以"百花撩亂", “新進氣銳", “万界不滅", “唯一無二"共四大主題介紹相關插畫家, 可以感受到日本插畫文化的豐富特色。銷售商品包括書籍以及原創商品, 歡迎蒞臨誠品書店期間限定開幕的四家pie
internatioal 假想書店。

因為通訊軟體與網路平台的高度普及, 幾乎佔滿了人們生活的所有時間, 手機不離手, 眼睛時時盯著發光的螢幕, 不管是如手掌大小的行動裝置或是辦公室電腦, 走在街道上琳琅滿目地LED廣告看板, 絢麗的畫面和影視內容, 殖民了我們的思想與大腦。當代藝術家的創作即時反映了他們的生活狀態, 資訊串流, 網紅影片, 迷因素材已經滲入了許多年輕藝術家的創作內涵, 台北數位藝術中心規劃"屍變, 靡靡, 壞天氣", 邀請三位藝術家, 透過他們的作品來呈現當代網路藝術或新媒體藝術中, 將網路資訊媒體以諧擬, 迷因, 以及透過裝置藝術將個人感官經驗重新表達出來。

Communication apps and online platforms outstretch to everywhere and occupy every moment of everyday life. Keeping hands sticking to smartphones and eyes fixed on glowing screens, by mobile devices, monitors in office and view-packing LED advertising boards on street, fancy images and video contents colonize our thinking and brains.
Artworks timely reflect their creators’ living states. Streaming information, videos by social media influencers and meme materials have penetrated creations of many young artists in substance. Digital Art Center, Taipei curated Walking Dead, Meme, Bad Weather and invited three artists to tell the stories of personal sensual experiences in Internet art or new media art at present via parodies, memes and installations in their productions.



Posted by langlog