While (he is) listening to music in his room, he always has many cups of coffee. I make movies about things I want to be ...


A. 譲歩を表す副詞節 まとめ You can listen to the wind whether it blows through a forest or sings a chorus around the eaves of your ...


Down came the rain. What she knew about painting, she taught herself. Never had I seen snow until I came to Japan.


A. 過去完了進行形:had been -ing My son had been watching TV since seven o'clock. Casals had been resisting war for over 30 year ...


You have to keep yourself as warm as possible. As more and more people enjoy the performances of the NTD, public underst ...


A. 文修飾副詞 Probably we know only a small part of life. (=It is probable that we know only a small part of life.) Additiona ...


A. 名詞節を導く接続詞 that The truth is that it is impossible to lay down these rules. The fact is that the castle was completely ...


A. 部分否定(not + all, both, everyなど) Life is not all pain. The rich are not always happy. Not every winner gets the yellow ...


I wish (that) I had a little sister. She wished that she could paint the scene. If I knew Judy's new address, I could se ...


A. 同格を表す接続詞that Ethnocentrism is the belief that one's own patterns of behavior are the best. No one can help admitting ...
