English Lesson Log 030



My PC is not working.
Windows 8 [operates/runs] this computer.

I’m sorry things didn’t work out for you.
I can’t operate a computer.
It’s just too shocking… My brain is not working right now.
This phone doesn’t work. I wonder why.
This whole system operates automatically without an operator.

Raise your hand!
Lift your book!
raise …今の位置よりも高く上げる
lift …上げ幅は関係なく(まっすぐ)上げる

Unfortunately, we need to raise prices.
Are you sure you are going to lift this up?
Let’s raise our team flag!
I was about to lift the handset, but the phone stopped ringing.
Cindy [lift/raise] her face and looked at me.
The puppy is shaking, We need to raise his temperature first.

Things didn’t [turn out/work out] well.

habit …習慣
eating habit …食習慣

shop lifting …万引き
handset …受話器
puppy …子犬



Posted by langlog