English Lesson Log 064

It was such a good party!
The party was so good!
such: 名詞句の前
so: 形容詞または副詞の前

so ~ that
such ~ that

  1. It was a good book.
    It was such a good book.
  2. The music was loud.
    The music was so loud.
  3. They are nice people.
    They are such nice people.
  4. Jessica and I had a good time.
    Jessica and had such a good time.
  5. Mike speaks Japanese well.
    Mike speaks Japanese so well.

very: 客観的に事実を説明している
so, such: 臨場感がある、感情が入っている、同じ場を強調している

  1. The baby cried loudly. The mother could hear him from the outside of the house.
    The baby cried so loudly that the mother could hear him from the out side of the house.
  2. I had a big lunch. I am not sure if I can eat dinner tonight.
    I had such a big lunch that I am not sure if I can eat dinner tonight.
  3. It was nice weather. We went out.
    It was such nice weather that we went out.

a big lunch

I’ve heard that this book was written 100 years ago.
I didn’t know it was so old.
I didn’t know it was such a old book.
I didn’t know Hanako was such a kind person.
Our language school is so fun that anyone can enjoy it.

Let’s imagine you just came back from a terrible trip. Please share your experiences and activities you couldn’t do during your trip.



Posted by langlog