English Lesson Log 121

New research suggests that using smiley face emojis in work e-mails could jeopardize your career.
carrier …輸送、運送
career …キャリア、経歴
jeopardize …危うくする
Researchers from a university in Israel report that people inserting emojis in work-related mail are likely to be deemed stupid and incompetent.
be deemed ~ …~のように見える
incompetent …無能な
The researchers conducted experiments on 549 professionals from 29 different countries to gauge their reaction to emojis.
gauge …計る、測定する
The professionals had to “evaluate both the competence and warmth" of the e-mail writer.
evaluate …評価する
competence …能力
warmth …暖かさ
Dr Ella Glikson said: “Our findings provide first-time evidence that, contrary to actual smiles, smileys do not increase perceptions of warmth and actually decrease perceptions of competence.
contrary …相反
actual …実際の
perception …見解、知覚、理解
Some of this misunderstanding is related to how the reader or viewer interprets the emoji design.
interpret …解釈する、説明する



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