English Lesson Log 122

affect V. …影響する、作用する
effect N. …結果、効果、引き起こす
depression …失望、絶望、憂鬱、不況、落ち込み
analyze(analyse) V.
analysis N.
reduce …減らす

sleeping habit …睡眠習慣
They found that having children in the house leads to less sleep for many mothers.
lead to …もたらす
Motherhood greatly reduces the number of hours a mother sleeps.
motherhood …母性
reduce …減らす
Unsurprisingly, this had an adverse effect on her energy levels during the day.
adverse effect …反対の効果、逆効果、有害作用
remain unaffected …影響がない、影響を受けない
Nearly half of the same age with no mothers under 45 said they got seven hours of sleep a night, compared with 62% of women of the same age with no kids at home.
nearly …ほぼ、約
diabetes …糖尿病
A lack of sleep harms our physical and mental well-being.
lack …欠乏、不足
harm …害、危害
It increases the risk of diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and depression.
obesity …肥満
disease …疾患、病気
cardiovascular …心血管系、循環器の
cardiovascular disease …循環器系疾患
cardio- …心臓の~
Dr Sullivan said: “It’s important to learn what is keeping people from getting the rest they need so we can help them work towards better health."
be keeping A from B …BからAを遠ざける、Aをでいる
keep someone from doing ~
prevent someone from doing ~
towards …~の方へ向かって、~の方へ、~に向かって、対して

The doctor diagnosed my disease as a unique bone disease.
After diagnosing the patient’s disease, these doctors discussed how to treat it.
diagnose …診断する
transitive verb …他動詞
intransitive verb …自動詞
treat …直す、治療
nature …特徴、特質
nature of human being …人間の本質
participate …参加する、関与する



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