English Lesson Log 173
戒菸 jièyān
也許 yěxǔ …たぶん
於是 yúshì …それで、だから
塑料 sùliào …プラスチック
敲打 qiāodǎ …打つ
anxiety 焦慮, 不安
urge 衝動, 慾望
deprived 短缺的, 匱乏的
briefly …簡単に、ざっと
made of
made from
plentiful adj. 多的, 充足的
discard v. 拋棄, 扔掉 …捨てる
add up to …合計する、足し合わせる
wear out すり減る
wornout 使い古した、ボロボロの
tip …傾ける
scarcely adv. 幾乎不, 簡直沒有 …辛うじて
Laura’s little girl still take very long naps.
Poor leadership caused serious problems for that nation’s economy.
Maria experienced a lot of anxiety when she started her new job.
Researchers hope to find a cure for cancer.
Chris had a strong urge to order dessert, but then he rememberd he was on a diet.
The cup broke, so I had to discard it.
Farmers are doing well this year because we had plentiful rain.
Nancy always trims the stalks of flowers before she puts them in a vase.
Don’t throw that away! You can reuse it.
Most businesses need a product or service that consumers are willing to pay for.
All cars now come equipped with seatbelts and airbags.
The garbage truck picks up waste and takes it to the landfill.
Making coffee at home is more economical than buying it at a coffee shop.
There are scarcely any giant pandas left in the wild.