a. God helps those who help themselves. b. He is one of those who were exposed to the radiation. a. Her eyes reminded me ...


S + V(=be動詞) + C(=that節) a. The difference is that they use their whole bodies. b. The trouble is that he has no friends ...


複合関係代名詞 whatever(=anything that) a. Whatever she wrote or drew in her life is preserved in this museum. b. She did whate ...


S + V(=be動詞以外) + C(=現在分詞) a. He stood waiting for the bus in the rain. b. They sat watching the river in the spring sun. ...


a. You have probably seen at least one of those films. b. I brush my teeth at least twice a day. a. Michael Jackson saw ...


a. I did not know which way to go. b. She asked me what book to buy first to study "haiku". cf. I have not decided what ...


a. I am busy organizing an exhibition for our class. b. Last week we were busy preparing for our field day. a. We used t ...


a. Then how about "whale watching"? b. "I don't like rock concerts very much." --- "Then how about going to a movie?" a. ...


助動詞 + have + 過去分詞 --- 過去の事柄に関する推量 a. I must have seen "E.T." around 40 times. cf. She could not come. So I had to see "E ...


S + V + O + O(=that節) a. Someone told me (that) there was a job in a grocery store nearby. b. This lesson teaches us (th ...
