
A. 前置詞 + 疑問詞節[句]
  1. She was surprised at how calm she sounded.
  2. Grown people passed along lies about how they’d seen me biting people.
  3. Be proud of who you are.
  4. We earnestly talked about how to collect used things from our neighbors.
B. 関係副詞の非制限的用法
  1. Judy went into the flower shop, where she found a beautiful vase in the corner.
    (=Judy went into the flower shop, and there she found a beautiful vase in the corner.)
  2. In Africa, where lots of people have AIDS, they call it “the slim disease."
  3. We had just gone out to the beach to swim, when the waves began to rise.
    (=We went out o the beach to swim, and then the waves began to rise.)
